
Tuesday 2 April 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 20

In traditional style I'm firing out a brief post after a long day and a faulty phone!

We had a great day up at Troodos but it's too late to give any details. I added 10 new Birds to my Trip List including Crag Martin.  Other additions were...

Grey Wagtail at...

I also added Mistle Thrush and Wren here.

I took a walk along one of the tracks above a slope which gave eye level views of the forest...

This tactic paid off eventually with decent views of Jay...

Coal Tit...

and Siskin. A BIG surprise was clearly hearing a Common Cuckoo! I also heard at least 3 Blackbirds singing strongly in the "Sky Island" habitat.

After a coffee with Louise I tried another area hoping for other Troodos specialties. Remembering the pearls of wisdom of Dave Gosney (a lot of the information is still relevant) I checked out some buildings for Pallid Swift. This paid off when I had amazing close views of a Bird entering one of the huts at great speed! I also had a brief glimpse of a Masked Shrike. It was time to pick up my other half now as it was 5pm. We then returned to the Site and fortunately the Pallid Swift was still coming and "going". No sign of the Masked Shrike though...initially. We waited for another show by the Swift but things had gone quiet and the light was fading fast. Then...the Shrike re-appeared and despite the failing light, I got some nice shots...

Misses were...

Short-toed Treecreeper

Trip Total - 144 Species

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