
Saturday 30 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 17

Slower start today. I contacted Andy Waller for help regarding location of Cyprus Warbler at Mav' Dam. He replied instantly with a couple of spots to try. Many thanks pal.

I arrived around 9 after a much needed lie- in...

After complete silence for a good hour, one struck up and the next hour was VERY enjoyable...

Reports came through of an influx of Masked Shrikes on the Headland. Woodchat is also present. Even though it's Saturday, it's a large area so I gave it a go...

I met a few amiable Brits who pointed me in the right direction. Eventually I got a nice pic...

Out for a Chinese tonight with friends, so again no proper write-up. I'll post when convenient but there WILL be a daily update of some description.  

I'll update today's post if I see anything else of note. There's a Wryneck just around the corner... apparently!


Me again!

Still no sign of the Wryneck but I'm happy here...hoping...under the shade of a Conifer (it's 25C today). Again spending time in one area can pay dividends, as I've just found a Nightingale and had my closest views of Masked Shrike down to 10 yards! Also 2 Isabelline Wheatears on the path.

Stay tuned...

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