
Friday 29 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 16


Started back at Perivolia Fields for Calandra Lark

Unfortunately the harvest has started! Fortunately the Birds are still displaying!! One way up high. A great start...


Onto the "Desal Fields" behind the Airport...

... hoping for Bimaculated Lark?

Gave it a good go till 8.30. No joy but a Red-rumped Swallow was some compensation. Going back to the Hide...


Just left the Hotel. My surprise Great-crested Grebe and Pintail additions yesterday evening were somewhat diluted this morning when I found the former had multiplied by 3. The latter had doubled to 2 pairs! Ah well, the moment was still a good one. I did add Greenshank and saw another 5 Marsh Sandpipers.

Heading for Oroklini again as a Great Reed Warbler (Cyprus Tick) has been reported. Then on to Cape Greco via Paralimni Lake to try for the Citrine Wagtail...

I was hoping something special might turn up while "out East". Strangely, this is my second record at this site. 


At Cape Greco now searching for Cyprus Warbler...


No joy...BUT report of a HOODED WHEATEAR had me down below the Army Cliffs, where Peter Wragg was already in situ. No sign of the Bird unfortunately. I have seen one here in April 1995 when visiting with the family. Time to head back West to Paphos.

I'll do a brief summary of my mini--trip when time allows...

Stay tuned...

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