
Sunday 31 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 18

"Back home" now for the rest of the Trip. I've downloaded quite a few pics from the 3 day Eastern excursion but limited time and priorities means a proper review will have to wait till I get back to East Yorkshire.

This morning news broke of a ROCK BUNTING. Of was "Out East" at Cape Greco! Found by Jarrod Hadfield who also found last Spring's BAR-TAILED LARK and CINEREOUS BUNTING!!!

A second sighting some 30 minutes later had me preparing for a return visit. of a male Rock Thrush 5 minutes down the road from our place!? What to do? The former would be a Cyprus Tick BUT the latter is ALWAYS a temptation. I decided to try for the RT and see what developed regarding the RB.

It took a while to figure out access to the Rocky Outcrop...

It was another hot one today (27C) and walking on the rocks gave an extra "toasty" effect. I couldn't see anything for quite a while...then...

ALWAYS a pleasure to see this Species and a Star Bird of the Trip. It was VERY mobile so I left the area before I did myself an injury!

There were no further reports of the ROCK I felt I'd made the correct decision and saved some effort and fuel!

Ispent a couple of hours this afternoon trying to locate a Stone Curlew at Timi Beach and Mandria without success. A flock of 30 Cattle Egrets at the Sewage Works was definitely notable...

Last hour at the Beach Bar produced no fly-by's but two Greater Sand Plovers were reported flying North!? Crake day early tomorrow at Agia Varvara. Three Species to try and spot in the undergrowth! 

Our Trip East obviously boosted the Total.

Trip Total - 132 Species

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