
Thursday 28 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 15

Posted at noon CT...

The good lady is behind the wheel today so I'm giving it the "as things happen" approach.

I started at 6...10 minutes from our Hotel at Perivolia Fields, the only reliable site for Calandra Lark on the far as I'm aware?

Scored in spades with 5 Birds in 30 minutes giving display views over the Barley...yes Barley. It looked like England in July. I even got some record shots! VERY pleased.

I then returned to Kivilisi to get seconds of the Lesser Kestrel/s. I drove many tracks in my 2 hour visit but only saw "ours". I finished off at the eBird co-ordinates and blow me down I had THREE birds overhead!!! Again photos were obtained. Also female Pallid Harrier and Black-eared Wheatear.

After a late breakfast we set off for Oroklini via the Salt Lake. I managed better views of SBG. I also had 6 LRP and a lone male Garganey.

Moving onto Cape Greco at 1.30...

2pm update... 

Cape Greco I've just had stunning views of 2 adult Audouin's Gulls at Lebay Beach, Oroklini. Always better to "find yer own". I was going to try at Kermia Bay near Greco but no need now. Another 2 hours driving doesn't appeal.

Back to Oroklini, I might fluke the male Little Bittern? 

Thinking of finishing off at the Sewage Works area. Less driving , more Birding...


No LB but great views of a Purple Heron lifting out of the reeds in front of the Hide. My first.


Last chilled hour in the Hide at Larnaca Sewage Works produced 3 more Trip ticks. On the way I had distant views of a beautiful male Pallid Harrier flying north over Meneou Pools. As already stated Gulls are not common on Cyprus, so 8 Black-headed were much appreciated, as was a single Great Crested Grebe and a surprise pair of Pintail.

Stay tuned...

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