
Wednesday 27 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 14

Brief summary tonight after a loooong early drive from Paphos and a full day. Just going out for a Pizza. No pics but I've got some.

Great first day "out East". Started South of the Airport at Meneou Pools looking for Stone Curlew. No joy but a few Warblers about including Lesser Whitethroat. A flock of c30 Ruff out on the Lake behaving like Phalaropes had me going for a minute.

Had a fabulous hour in the Hide at the Treatment plant recording no less than 28 Ferruginous Ducks! c30 Garganey were also present. On the way out I had great views of 3 Spectacled Warblers. I tried the pools again on the way back and had superb views of a Ruppell's Warbler.

Onto the Salt Lake and scored with c50 Slender-billed Gulls at close quarters.

After lunch it was Oroklini Lake. I visited both hides. Highlights were 3 drake Red-crested Pochards and 14 Glossy Ibises. Mustn't forget the Flamingos.

Lastly I tried for Lesser Kestrel at Kivilisi Fields. After some initial difficulty locating the Site, thanks to eBird I found one just before dusk. A brilliant day!

Photos and totting up on return on Saturday.

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