
Tuesday 26 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 13

Slower start this morning...hope you're not disappointed!

I stayed local all day as our 3 day "Holiday within a Holiday" at the East End of the Island starts tomorrow. Early start at 5 to get through Limassol before the "Rush Hour".

I found this field just West of the Sewage Plant...and watched it...for an Hour...

In previous trips I'd had the odd one or two, sometimes having to wait quite some time. Today I had 23!!!

Here's a few...

A few more through the haze...

Greater Short-toed Larks also found the conditions to their liking, with c50 present in a tight fast moving flock...

A decent flock of Yellow Wagtail sp arrived (c100), again mainly Feldegg but a few "others were present also...

Always one of the highlights of the Trip seeing all the varieties passing through. All this activity attracted another Bird...


A significant Trip Tick which typically didn't hang around...

I also had a couple of Great Spotted Cuckoos over the car. An excellent relaxed session...just the ticket!

After another failed attempt to find Stone Curlew (Old School) at Timi Forest we ended up at Mandria again and bumped into the Bloomers.Ian informed me he'd had a Woodchat Shrike near his Village at Anarita. It's only 15 minutes away and a quality target not to be ignored in my book. I found the location but alas not the Bird. It was good to improve my knowledge of the area though. This flock of Corn Buntings taken through the fence at Anarita Mast was notable, if not unusual...

On returning to Mandria I tried for the lingering Hawfinch but again no luck, so I headed for the "front" and found 3 male Northern Wheatears...

It was now 5 and I was about to join Louise at the Beach Bar when something caught my eye from above...

Short-eared Owl

Definitely NOT on the expected List!!! I have seen one here before at Akrotiri Gravel Pits with Bill Stacey BUT it's still a sought after Bird on the Island. It drifted West and flew directly over the Bar. I guess watching it with a Pint would have been asking too much!?

Trip List - 111 Species

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