
Saturday 23 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 10

Back to the Ruppell's bush first thing...still no sign.

I was unsure where to head this morning but I only intended going "local". I started at Timi Beach near the Airport but it was quiet...very quiet. I was hoping for Stone Curlew or maybe a Shrike but nothing materialized. I ended up at Aspro' Dam...

...a fine sight looking North. It was time for a "Hawk Watch". This is an excellent site for Bonelli's Eagle, a much sought after Species on the Island.  I got my fix around 10.30 and wasn't disappointed! A combination of distance and light meant no reasonable pic unfortunately. A male Marsh Harrier over the water proved more obliging...

White Wagtails are still flooding through the Island...

I also saw my first Common Swifts of the Year. Skylark was also added. Before returning for Lunch I stopped off at the pools at Mandria Gardens. The area is still getting topped up by the sprinklers and therefore attracting plenty of Birds. Today I added Lesser Whitethroat.

The afternoon started at Agia Varvara and I went Crake spotting or rather I didn't. Some of the Pools look promising though...

The Boss waited patiently as always...

I did add Sedge Warbler to the Trip List...

Takes some finding

We then tried Anarita Park and Whinchat finally fell. No sign of the hoped for Lesser Kestrel though. They are back on the Island further East. We finished the day off at Mandria where a decent flock (15) of Greater Short-toed Larks remain...

We were joined at the Beach Bar...

Another nice finale...

Breaking news late afternoon...

White-throated Kingfisher, Akrotiri Marsh southern end

That's my "pass out" Day sorted tomorrow. A common Species further East BUT a Cyprus MEGA and a Lifer to boot. Exciting stuff for the old boy. Wish me luck...

Trip Total - 103 Species

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