
Friday 22 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 9

A steadier day today after yesterday's Twitch!

I had a couple of Hours strolling around the Archaeological Site. The session started well when I added Eastern Orphean and Eastern Sub-alpine Warbler to the Trip the same bush!!! 

The Orphean wouldn't play ball but I managed to "grab" the latter...just...

At least 12 Hoopoes were present during my visit...4 in one bush! I had 3 Cretzschmar's Buntings briefly before they flew off high in typical fashion...

It was another superb clear and fresh morning...

As I was admiring the view...

...and reminiscing on the Male Rock Thrush I saw at this location in 2018...this beauty appeared out of nowhere...

Black-eared Wheatear (pale-throated form)

IMHO one of the best Birds available on the Island...

That Tail!

Imade a concerted effort to find the Tree Sparrow. You can only look at House Sparrows for so long though!

The afternoon was spent checking out a few spots West of Paphos along the Coast. We started off at the Sea Caves. No Birds of note but a spectacular place I think you'd agree...

Next it was Cape Drepanum, another new spot for us both. We had a couple of hours here, which included a rather spectacular Ice Cream. I was hoping for another Cyprus special...and after some time I found one, if only momentarily. It appeared deep in a bush for a few seconds but I didn't see it again despite waiting a further hour...

Ruppell's Warbler

...a Sardinian did make a brief show though...

I'll still be checking out "the Bush" in the morning. Chuffed to find this jewel.

Final stop was Mavrokolympos Dam. Nothing on the Reservoir but c30 Red-rumped Swallows overhead was quite a sight! We then moved back down the road to the Cyprus Scops Owl Site made famous by Dave Gosney. I still have his book printed 14 Years ago! As we waited by the Cliff...

...another car pulled up and 2 Birders got out of their car. I decided to abandon the attempt as I can try another spot next week. My decision was rewarded when I spotted a Cyprus Wheatear in the top of a bush just before Dusk...

I admit to some enhancement here. I was 5.50!

Trip Total - 98 Species

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