
Sunday 24 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day11

I'm writing this stood amongst the Goats at Androlikou hoping for an (very) early ficedula Flycatcher... I hope this makes sense!

Today's Twitch for the KINGFISHER didn't go well, in fact it just didn't go at all. A combination of logistical problems and lack of knowledge of local customs meant getting up at 5am was a waste of time. This didn't please... especially when the Bird showed a couple of times and I would almost certainly have connected!!!

So things don't always work out for me. Tempers the smugness. Today's pass now tomorrow!

We're out for a meal tonight, so no photos. I DID connect with Long-legged Buzzard at Theletra (another Gosney sight that's still relevant). No luck with Bonelli's Eagle at Everetou Reservoir though.

We had a couple of hours at the Baths of Aphrodite which was also very quiet.

Early night and hopefully success tomorrow. Stay tuned...

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