
Wednesday 24 January 2024


As we approach the end of the Month things can get a little slooooow...depending on your form of Birding of course? If you cover the Miles you can obviously see more "Good Birds"...these days I prefer to work my Patches. I might still be tempted to drift further afield depending on what turns up.

So, it was over to NDC again this morning, arriving at 10. It wasn't as bright as forecast BUT it was much milder if breezy. The traditional Platform walk didn't promise much in the wind but that's the great thing about our never know...

The Bird was initially right by the path but wouldn't show...

Always nice to see a Bullfinch (54)...especially a Male.

We then had a walk down to Garganey Hide to have a nosey as the water level had dropped further. There was plenty of evidence of flood damage on the way down and the path had partially given way in places...

On arrival I could see it was possible to enter the Hide (just about)...

 We didn't linger...

This Hide has been battered by floodwater many times over the Years but still stands strong. A testament to the Manufacturers and Builders...Gilleard Bros. Dare I suggest it might have been positioned slightly...higher?! On the return walk...a sign of Spring. The camera wouldn't grab at first but I thought it would be worth posting them anyway...


After setting my stall out in the slightly drier Geoff Smith Hide, I began to scan. I immediately spotted 3 Drake Pochard (55) in the (extreme) distance, which was pleasing after enviously viewing a good number on Bubwith Ings...

As 1 approached a Little Egret (56) flew West, close...too quick for me! A slow session was still having its moments. A lone Chaffinch (57) then perched briefly in a bush out on the water...

The sun broke through briefly around 2 but soon disappeared, not before a Peregrine (58) shook the Wildfowl up briefly...and again distantly...

So, that concludes today's additions. Finally a shout out for one of the common Species. A pair of Wigeon in the sunshine...


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