
Monday 22 January 2024


An understated title. Wind is the worst element of Weather for me, debilitating most efforts to Bird and giving little pleasure when possible at all. Gale Force last night during the Storm (I refuse to use the names now given). Still lively today but some Birding was possible if mainly from the car. One positive of the wind is that it dries things up, which means I don't have to clean my Dog...or Cat!

Thankfully "Snakey Scrape" is hanging on in there, giving hope of catching some passing Waders. As I passed this morning I could see a tiny Bird in amongst the Gulls and Lapwings...


Nice to have an "Inland" record.

I then drove out to Skeffling and was pleased to see the Whooper herd were slightly closer...

Encouraging to see some juveniles present...

I counted 32 in total.

When I returned to Snakey to check the "Scrape"again. the Dunlin had multiplied by 3...

4 Fieldfares (P.72, H.42) then alighted briefly, before 7 Roe Deer passed by...

Out of nowhere a large flock of Golden Plovers suddenly descended onto the scrape...

I counted 220, my largest "inland" flock. Great to see on Snakey and very satisfying. While watching from the car a movement caught my eye on the adjacent mud...

Pied Wagtail ( P.73, H.43)

Always something to see...despite the conditions...

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