
Thursday 25 January 2024

Spurn Ticks

I decided to have a drive down the road for the first time this Year...just for a change of Scenery. You've probably noticed I don't get down there much these days. Increased coverage means less chance of finding something decent so I prefer to work Patches elsewhere and I'm more than happy doing that. Far more rewarding. I have many great memories since I first went there in 1987 and I will continue to visit and cherry pick on occasion.

I started my tour at the North end of the Gas Terminal...

...where I was pleased to see a tree planting scheme was in operation. Much potential. Tough going at this time of Year and there wasn't any sign of activity. Which Species springs to mind...

A nice pair to brighten up a Winter's afternoon!

Next I checked out Vicar's Lane at the Southern end. Here I saw my first Yellowhammers of 2024. I estimated 20 Birds, they were very mobile and elusive in the gloom but one finally gave itself up...

I also saw my first House Sparrows!!

I then drove down to Kilnsea and parked up by the gate...

Again mmany memories came flooding back but things have changed. I scanned the Estuary and added a few Waders to the Spurn/Patch Lists. The best was a lone Grey Plover close to the tideline...

I finished off at Sammy's and while Bud was having a stretch I just managed to catch a Little Grebe before it disappeared into the reeds...

All in all I recorded 33 Species with Yellowhammer being the only Patch addition! I'll be and again...

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