
Saturday 13 January 2024

Patch Gold

I awoke to...Sunshine...and an iced car! I'll take that after the extended grey blanket. Things are drying up at last BUT there are still a few pools left on the Farmland. Although not the ideal time of Year, there's always a chance something might be tempted to stop off on passing? Always hopeful!

I had to pop to the Post Office in Ottringham, so I made my way down Snakey enjoying the crisp, bright morning. 5 Grey Partridges were also enjoying the Sunshine...

While Bud was relieving himself I checked the one decent "scrape" remaining...

There were a few Lapwings (28) feeding and 10 Stock Doves. I drove further along and parked up so I could view the pool from a better angle. Birds were coming and going and eventually I picked up my first Golden Plovers (P.63, H.36) of the Year...

8 Birds

Then...something different? I didn't have my scope and I was around 100yds away, so I drove to a nearer pull-in and...


Ruff (P.64, H.37)

Only my second record in 13 years, after a flock of 8 in August 2012. Very satisfying. As mentioned on several occasions, Patch records are always in context, the combination of "different" temporary habitat and an unusual Species make for an excellent "catch". I let the locals know immediately before continuing on to Ottringham. On return Richard was on site but alas the Birds had flown. I also checked late afternoon but still no sign, although the Lapwings had increased to 110!

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