
Tuesday 16 January 2024

Humber Loop

After an enjoyable Weekend with the Good Lady I decided to do the Humber Loop this morning starting at Stone Creek. It was fresh...very fresh (-2). Fortunately the wind was light, which definitely helped. A pair of Stonechats was a good start...

Dung Heaps are always worth checking...

Most checks prove fruitless...but not this time. Movement detected at the rear in poor light...

Grey Wagtail (P.65)

An excellent Winter addition.

I gave it an hour but no Owls or Harriers were seen. Onto Sunk Island. I drove the minor roads and checked some ditches, again, one finally paid off...

SIX Little Grebes (P.66) were in excellent count...

This was the Site of my Black Stork find some Years ago. Next it was Skeffling which was a Wildfowl bonanza. c50 Whooper Swans were present plus c30 Mute and c200 Brent Geese.

No sign of the Twite flock. 

Snakey produced a flock of 40 Golden Plovers...

A grand morning out...

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