
Friday 12 January 2024


Yesterday found me back in the LDV. However, this time I started on the Pocklington Canal at Melbourne in search of Bewick's Swans...

You may (or may not) be aware this Species has become very Scarce in Yorkshire over recent times...sadly. After my ill-fated attempt at Doncaster, I was determined to connect. I gave it 3 hours...but I couldn't find them...alas.

The water level had dropped but was still substantial...

Melbourne/Thornton Road

Looking West

From the Bridge over the Canal

I tried around half-a-dozen vantage point but it wasn't to be.

I weaved my way along the ridiculously winding roads of the area and stopped off at Thorganby on my way to Duff (surprise, surprise). I have to admit I didn't linger here but I couldn't see the Drake Smew in a brief visit.

After grabbing a bite to eat at the Village Shop I arrived at NDC around 1.30. My session was unremarkable so I won't stretch it out. I did add Greylag Goose (44)?!


This morning I returned to Stone Creek...couldn't resist..after the Bacon Sarny of course! I made my way once again down Cherry Cobb Sands Road stopping of at intervals to scan. It was dull but still. It was also very quiet but little was seen in the first hour, although a decent flock of Fieldfares (c100) was noteworthy. I was the only one present accept for passing traffic. While Bud was having a stretch I caught sight of a SEO in the distance but it soon moved away. 

Scanning rough land can be a strain, especially as the Years go byyyyyy! Sometimes though, you can get lucky. I thought I'd used mine up on Wednesday, thankfully I hadn't...

An eye!

The bird then hopped out into the open briefly. Better view desired...and achieved...

It saw me but didn't seem unduly concerned. What a moment!!! I left it in peace and walked some more with my lad. Winter Birding isn't so bad after all...

This experience will keep me going till Spring!!!

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