
Thursday 18 January 2024


 Took it easy today, just checking a few Sites close by. The forecast snow didn't materialize producing another clear, crisp day. The sea is dead at the moment with just a few Red-throated Divers (P.67, H.38) passing.

I gave it an hour at the Sewage at lunchtime adding Sanderling (P68, H.39)...

Turnstone (P.69, H40)...

and Ringed Plover (P.70, H41)... the Year List. 

I'll be over at Duff again tomorrow. A touch of spice added with the discovery of a Drake American Wigeon seen on Bubwith Ings from the Geoff Smith Hide. Maybe I missed it on Wednesday! I saw 2 Drakes at Bubwith in March 2007; fortunately one popped onto Duff for my Tick!

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