
Wednesday 17 January 2024


A crispy start had me heading West for a session in the freezer at Duff. Levels have dropped further with the clearer weather but still plenty deep enough not to freeze! I was well wrapped up and there was little wind on a gloriously sunny Winter's day.

I was joined in the Hide by a chap called Nick and his Dog. He informed me he'd just had a couple of Willow Tits, of course  I couldn't find them. Nice to know they're "about" again though. The visibility was superb which enabled viewing of the Birds present near and far. After a while I picked out a fine Drake Scaup amongst the Tufties...

Geese were present in force now and I belatedly added Canada (45) to the Year List!? Greylags were also well represented with hundreds scattered along the Western edge of the Reserve. I started to work through them hoping for something different...I succeeded as mixed in were a decent number of Pink-footed (46). Always worth a closer look. A lone Redshank (47) darted across giving itself away with its call. I left at 1.

Yet again I was tempted to detour via Stone Creek on the way home, especially as the sun was still shining. On arrival I could immediately see Short-eared Owls hunting...which was pleasing. I parked up and watched from the car hoping for a flight shot or two. The birds were extremely active and came quite close on occasions, even landing a few times. The light faded but I managed a decent backlit shot at dusk...

I estimated 8 Birds present.

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