
Friday 19 January 2024


I arrived at NDC around 10 after a detour around Hull due to an accident on the A63. The usual routine with a walk out to the Platform and a good scan which produced my first Snipe (48) of 24. Entering the Hide I was pleased to see Barry Bishop already in residence. We started to search for the Drake American Wigeon which was going to be a challenge as the Reserve was almost completely frozen which had concentrated the Birds on or around the River where viewing was difficult. 

Tim Jones arrived with the same intentions. After a while he decided to view from the Platform and told us he'd let us know if he would we. Another familiar face arrived in the form of Arnie Cowan who I hadn't seen for quite some time. Plenty of experienced eyes searching now. Alas the Bird wasn't located before I left at 1.

Highlights of the session included...

Pink-footed Geese (c200) still present which came in briefly to a small unfrozen patch for a drink and bathe before flying back to the adjacent fields.

Ruff (49) - 3 flew East over the River.

Red Kite  - 3 distantly to the North over the Woods.

I also added Pheasant (50), Dunnock (51) and Great Tit (52) to the Year List. This Grey Squirrel provided some entertainment in front of the Hide on the ice...

I gave Bud another stretch before returning to the car for Lunch. I scanned the trees around the car park and picked up a flock of Long-tailed Tits (c10) in the large tree opposite...

Could there be anything else with them? Yes...

Willow Tit (53)

No award winner but proof nonetheless; I expected to pick one up around the Hide!!

I had an appointment in Hedon at 5.20, so to kill some time I had an hour back down at Stone Creek...surprise, surprise! On arrival it became immediately apparent that more photographers were present, so I found a spot further South and parked. More exercise for Bud and more scanning for me...which finally resulted in my first Hen Harrier (P.71) of the Year and therefore the Patch. Chuffed to pick it up at distance (c800 yds) making steady progress East as the light faded...

A top finish to the Day.

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