
Wednesday 8 November 2023


After a morning in Hull I made my way along the A1079 from Beverley for a change, due to circumstances. As I passed Market Weighton a message came through informing me the Waxwing flock was still present in Pickering. I was tempted, especially as the forecast for the afternoon was good. Plan B was put into operation.

I arrived just after 2 but there was no sign of any. I'd been to this site in previous years and it was no coincidence to me as they favour historical sites. It's in the Genes!

A few Birders came and went including Jono Leadley and his assistant from Yorkshire Wildlife. He informed me he'd seen some in the morning when he stopped by briefly. 3 came and went. The light was starting to fade as were my hopes. There were just 2 other Birders still present at the back of the Sports Hall. They were staking out the 2 berry bushes that the Waxwings frequented regularly and where I'd seen them some Years ago.

I was going to give it till 3.30 as I had a 2 hour drive home and the light would have "gone" by then. One chap had mentioned they'd been in the large bare tree at the front of the car park. I was still positioned so I could see the tree and the berry trees to the rear. I'd also had a walk to the main road and checked out a few other likely spots/trees with no luck.

Then, out of nowhere...

There they were!!!

Quite a moment. I waved to the couple at the rear of the Sports Hall and they came running. They'd never seen Waxwings before and I shared there excitement. Fortunately the flock remained in the tree for a good 20 minutes enabling us to get some photos. It was very gloomy by now unfortunately, BUT at least we'd SEEN them! They were mobile within the branches, I estimated 25.

I fiddled with the camera settings and was surprised with what I got when I downloaded the photos, considering the poor light and distance...

The way the afternoon panned out was just the way I like it. A decent wait but reward in an eventual "show".

Before I left I mentioned the Stone Creek show to the couple. Guess where they're going tomorrow...

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