
Tuesday 7 November 2023


The forecast was set fair, so I headed back to Stone Creek hoping for a special day. I arrived around 8.30 to the sight of a RT Hen Harrier flying directly over my car. An omen?

I scanned the West side of the road and picked up a male Marsh Harrier. I then spotted a movement to the East...

Whooper Swans - part of a herd of 31

My first sighting of the Autumn. Always special.

I then noticed a/another Hen Harrier hunting just beyond the roadside bushes. I managed to fire off a few "shots" but they didn't "grab"...unfortunately...

Another car then pulled up and parked next to mine. A young Birder got out and sorted his gear out. We got chatting. Turned out he was a fellow Lancastrian from Clitheroe called Tom. He'd set off early to try for the RLB before continuing to Flamborough Head. I gave it till 10.15 before leaving for Greggs! There was no sign of the Star Bird unfortunately, I wished him well. Really enjoyed the chat pal, if you're reading this (he did ask). As I was leaving I passed a car, it was Karl Dutton, I hadn't seen him for a long time. Unfortunately we couldn't talk as a lorry was coming.

After refreshment I returned as the sky was still clear and I wanted tot ry and get some photos of the RLB. This time I parked further up the road as I wanted to check out all the habitat and give Bud a good walk. Immediately I saw FOUR Marsh Harriers in close proximity...

Industrial Immingham in the background

As I approached the entrance to Sands Farm I passed a couple of Birders who informed me "The Buzzard" had been showing...well! I could see Karl with his friend in the distance, so I joined them. The afternoon was sublime. One of those occasions when everything goes to plan. Constant Avian action in superb conditions and company. Bliss.

The main attraction showed for me at 1.55...

So glad I came more ways than one. The "Bird from the far North" hunted over the set-a-side in the sunshine. What a sight!!!

Accurate numbers are VERY difficult to accurately assess with Birds moving around and disappearing from view. I estimated 3 RT Hen Harriers...

The Short-eared Owls appeared in force around 3. I had SEVEN Birds in one scan!!! A Great White Egret graced us with a fly-by and a Barn Owl was also seen on the way back to the car. Just a brilliant day, 20 minutes from home...with no hassle!

Classic behaviour...

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