
Saturday 11 November 2023

Sundown Birding


Once the clocks have "gone back"...things can get limited. However, I DO like a late afternoon session on a still, clear Winter's afternoon. This afternoon was one such occasion.

I had a drive up to Cliff Farm and walked Bud down towards Old Hive...complete with Scope. A flushed Woodcock was a good start. I had a decent look through the Geese hoping for something "different". I couldn't see anything "unusual" as I scanned the c250 "Pink-feet". A fine sight nonetheless.

I then drove around the corner to Model Farm...nothing doing. I started my return and as I turned the second bend I caught sight of Owl...a Short-eared Owl! I pulled over and tried to re-locate it. Fortunately I found it again, just as it dis-appeared over a hedge...

I then picked it up again hunting along the Cliff before it made its way North towards Old Hive...where I'd been 30 minutes earlier!

It's a good Year for them but finding one hunting locally was special. A nice end to the Day...

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