
Saturday 25 November 2023

Seawatch 2

Yep, I made it down again for you're proud of me lol! Gavin was in situ this time. He informed me it was "quiet" so far. I positioned the car at a favourable angle, both for shelter and hopefully Birds!? 30 minutes past with nothing of note...I checked with Gavin!!

Then...a male Goosander (P139, H.126) flying North...a fine sight indeed a reasonable distance. I was brought back down to earth when Gavin came over to inform me he'd "had" a couple of Goldeneye followed shortly by a Little Auk. Ah well.

Gavin left just before 10 but I stuck it out till 10.30. Glad I did as I got my Little Auk (P.140, H.127)!!! A surprisingly quiet session considering the conditions. Still...there's always something out there...well nearly always!

GOT to make the most of the daylight at this time of again after the Footy. I had a drive up to the Cliff/Model Farm at the South of my Village Patch. As I approached the high point, I pulled over to check out the flooded area in the farm field, that has remained, despite things getting relatively drier! As mentioned before (I've probably mentioned most things before by now) give Birds some water and they will come. This was proved yet again as I viewed Lapwing (6), Redshank (2) Knot and my Year Grey Plover (H.129). Timing is everything as a local buzzard proved by sending them high South moments later! Really chuffed to find this group of Waders on the deck. It doesn't happen often...context.

Checking through my "needs" list, I realized I had seen Bullfinch (P.141, H.128) this year, as I had a fine male munching on my Pyracantha berries some time ago.

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