
Sunday 26 November 2023

South End

Firstly, back to yesterday afternoon. On checking my pics I DID manage an image of my VERY unusual Wader "flock"...

Redshank (2), Knot, Grey Plover and Lapwing (2)

No big deal on the Humber BUT a rare gathering here, making them far more special. Almost as rare as the scrape!!!


I started along Rysome Road on an overcast morning in my continuing search for Waxwings. No joy but there were some pristine migrant male Blackbirds in evidence...

On the way back I checked for Little Owl...

I then drove slowly further down the road. I saw a shape deep in the bushes...


Quite a surprise. Again, an excellent record in context. I'd never found one in bushes before! It was only seen for a few seconds thanks to my friend in the back!!

I then headed up towards Cliff Farm, checking yesterday's "Wader pool". Nothing there this morning except the usual Gulls. I had 30 minutes from the Clifftop which proved unremarkable. I checked the pool for Snipe without success but a chestnut bullet in the form of a Woodcock was adequate compensation.

A couple of runs along Snakey paid off as I picked up a decent covey of Grey Partridges (8) in the Winter wheat, making them much easier to see!

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