
Friday 24 November 2023

Plan B...again!

Well...I made it down to the Cliff just after 8 to find Richard already in situ. I gathered my clobber from the car including my historic Texas Chair and joined him in the shelter of the increasingly strong North-West wind. Surprisingly it was quiet...VERY quiet. I had a RTD South but NOTHING else. After around 20 minutes Richard picked up a distant Sooty Shearwater (P.139, H.125) heading quickly North. Fortunately it passed close to the Canada Buoy enabling me to connect...briefly. Unfortunately a heavy shower (that wasn't forecast) arrived which meant an abrupt end to my relatively brief session! Still, a late Year Tick I wasn't expecting. Maybe tomorrow?

A phone call from Louise had me dutifully in Keyingham, so I continued to Hedon, then Hull, then Duff. I had to return early but I had a good couple of Hours. It was more like the sea than a flood plain and the wind was whistling through the shutters... but I managed. Unsurprisingly NOTHING out in middle but a decent amount tucked up by the bushed to the NW including c 80 Shelduck. Raptors were represented by Red Kite and Marsh Harrier. I also counted 12 Herons scattered around the edges. I kept scanning the perimeter hoping for something different and eventually succeeded when I located a small flock (c20) of Pink-footed Geese (102) through a small gap in the bushes...

After getting the new shoes for the V70 and completing the Tesco run, I stopped off near the Sewage for some light refreshment. It was now gone 4. I movement in the twilight...

Grey Partridges (4)

It was late!

What will the Sea reveal tomorrow?

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