
Monday 6 November 2023

Winter Birding on the Patch

My first proper session this morning after Scilly. Some re-adjustments were the Weather issue! 

Jayne had reported a couple of Snow Buntings in With', so that's where I started this morning. Plenty of Dog walkers on the move, so I left my "sociable" GSD in the car as I searched for them. Amazingly I picked them up, distantly, almost immediately. From a distance they could easily have been overlooked as House Sparrows as they fed on the path and in the road! As I got closer their distinctive Plumage became more obvious...

They were totally unconcerned by the passing Dog walkers. It was a fresh 7C but clear. still and sunny, ideal for getting some decent photos...maybe? I feared they may have eventually had enough of people as things got busier but although they flew a few times they didn't go far, allowing me to get my "shots". Always a highlight of the Winter here and NEVER taken for granted. I usually see them along the Cliff paths so it was nice to have a new Site for them. Thanks Jayne.

They then move into the grass and were VERY active making it difficult to view them clearly...

Eventually they gave themselves away...


Flushed with success I drove down to the Southern end of Holmpton to check for Geese around Old Hive. I'd heard them from the Cottage but this was the first time I'd been down there since returning. Shoddy I know! I wasn't disappointed...

Rorke's Drift!


So, within 3 miles of home I've had two wonderful Birding experiences within the first hour. I'm a lucky boy! A BIG bonus was the arrival of the Coastguard Helicopter to perform some manoeuvres. It hovered offshore for quite some time. It became clear after I walked back towards the car that they were waiting for me to get out of their way! 

Quite a sight and contrast from Sand Martins!

It really was spectacular.

It was time for a Gregg's double at Hedon...Bacon Roll and Latte. Highly recommended and under £4 to boot. No, I'm not on commission!

Fuelled up, I headed back to Stone Creek. Fantastic Birding at the moment, with masses of suitable Habitat for Raptors and Owls. No pics this morning, I just enjoyed the views, albeit distant. I'm going back tomorrow to make the most of a predicted beautiful morning? I saw the RLB hovering, 3 ring-tailed Hen Harriers (two together), 2 Short-eared Owls and a marvellous Merlin. Not bad!!!

Plenty of excellent opportunities ahead on the Patch this Winter...

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