
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Locally Scarce

Checked on the PFG first...still present. I then carried on to Skeffling hoping for Whoopers...I was in luck...

Always great to see

An uninvited guest?

On to Stone Creek but not before enjoying a beautiful pale Buzzard in the sun at Sunk Island...

The sun was still shining as I reached Stone Creek. I took Bud a walk along the straight hoping for some "action" Almost immediately I saw a Hen Harrier and a Short-eared Owl having a disagreement. After around an hour 1 of the three HH present finally gave me an opportunity....

Love the wing pattern...

An excellent morning.

Mid-afternoon I did the Tesco run via Snakey. It paid off when I came across a Little Egret doing a balancing act in the Winter Wheat. Again, repeated scanning paid off...

After pinching a couple from the bedroom window 10 days ago, it was nice to "earn" one...

It soon flew off high to the South. Plenty around the Humber...not here!

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