
Sunday 3 December 2023

Purple Sandpiper - 1st for the York Area!

After an extremely steady couple of days relaxing at my Mother's, I returned early afternoon. A few jobs, including the traditional visit to the loft for the Christmas Tree and decorations. As I was extracting the last of the bags...a message...

12.11: North Yorkshire, Purple Sandpiper, Wheldrake Ings from bridge

A potential York Area addition!

Bearing in mind I'd driven from Bury I was er ...knackered. I had a decision to make. I reckoned I could make it for 2 but would the traffic and weather be kind? Only one way to find out. I made it through Hull no problem but as I reached Howden I was aware of the dreaded...fog. Onward. Fortunately knowing the area well obviously helped as I made my way through North Duffield and Thorganby. I turned down the very familiar Wheldrake Lane hoping I could reach the car park. I couldn't...

...I parked back up the road and managed to sneak down the side...without falling in! Once on the bridge I started to scan, it was a daunting sight...although as you can see it was relatively clear...

I couldn't see anyone else but I did pick out a roaming Dunlin flock and a few Ruff towards the Hide. It was now 2.15, so I reckoned I had a "good hour". I then heard a vehicle approaching which sounded like it had negotiated the flood water. It turned out to be Craig Ralston in his 4x4. I hadn't seen him for some time. We go way back to the early 90's. This was reinforced when he told me he'd seen the recent Black-winged Stilts after missing the 1993 trio by minutes. I remember them well, having fortunately connected. Us Birders remember!!!

We both scanned for a while but no joy. He then received a phone call, it was Duncan Bye, the finder. Things were looking up, especially when it became apparent he was looking at it near to Tower Hide! We walked the flooded path and eventually joined him. Within minutes we were both "on" the Bird...

A record Blob!

So, my gamble had paid off. Things went my Fog and local help. A remarkable inland record. We all made our way back to the car park...

...and I cadged a lift over the flood to my car. I thanked them both for the help and started my return. The thickening Fog reinforced how things had gone my way. Maybe I deserved it? 

This was my 239th Species for the York Area. I still need this Species for Holmpton!!!

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