
Tuesday 28 November 2023

Patch Gold?

I intended to walk the Southern Cliffs this morning but as I reached the sharp bend at the bottom of the hill, I could see Geese...lots of them! 

It was a crisp, sunny morning with excellent light. I pulled over and started to "go through" them. It was a fine sight and maybe the chance of something...else? I spent a good hour with them and couldn't turn any into Bean Sp although I did find a White-fronted Pinkfoot?!

Have I mentioned I like this Species? They looked like they were enjoying the sunshine...

I returned home with Bud and took him down Seaside Road to the Cliff. Yep, it's going to be another one of those "context" moments. As you are aware, I'm into most aspects of this wonderful pastime, from National Twitching to Patch Birding. As I approached the Cliff a bird passed by flying steadily North, a large bird of the Wildfowl family. Very common...but not here due to lack of suitable habitat. Any ideas? It was a Year the end of November. Now then, bearing in mind the hundreds of occasions I'd "walked the walk" this Year, it gave me a real buzz to finally add this bird to my Village Year List. Answer at the end of the Post.

Flushed with success I returned alone to Cliff Farm and started my Coastal walk North towards Old Hive. A Skylark on the walk down was a surprise. As I reached the Copse the first of 3 Woodcocks exploded out of the grass. One only flew a short distance but unfortunately I couldn't pick it out before once again it flew off...low, silent and straight.

I continued on towards Mill Hill...

A hoped for movement in the stubble...

They really are little belters, especially in the sunshine...

I reckon there were 4 birds present over a 100yd area. A couple in flight and another out in the field...

Great stuff in ideal sunny and still conditions. As I returned to the car I had a panoramic view of the Goose flock...

oh...and the answer to the Quiz?

Mute Swan (H.130)

Patch Birders know...

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