
Wednesday 18 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 6

A damp start put it mildly. A time to regroup and reflect after some serious coverage of St Mary's in the past 5 days! I always intend to "train" for the holiday...but never do. I obviously walk a lot at home with Bud but it's on relatively flat ground. So coming straight into "hilly Scilly" comes as a bit of a shock to the ageing legs!!

Motivation is key here though and I've been pleasantly surprised how much coverage I've managed over the first third of the Trip. A target Bird certainly helps with the exercise routine! There's pleasure in earning a sighting...that's what I keep telling myself anyway! Plenty of benches around and a few strategically placed cafes also help...for the odd "pit stop".

Louise's Birthday today so the inclement weather has arrived at the right time as we can enjoy the flat and a nice meal in the Atlantic later. Intrepid Birders are still roaming the Islands in heavy rain...not for me these days...honesty as always! Hope you're not disappointed lol!

Footy catch up and World Cup Cricket for me. I might venture out this afternoon if it "eases off"?

Plenty of wind forecast over the next few days which will undoubtedly bring Rare Birds to all parts of Britain. Ironically strong Easterlies will hit "back home" which will bring potential goodies to my home "Patch". However, some interesting Westerlies are to hit Scilly which also brings hope. I'm committed to the latter at this time of Year (as always) and will stay that way throughout.

Bring them in...

p.s: This post could be edited at any moment!

...and it has...

I'd gone stir crazy by 2.30, so I got togged up and made my way up onto the Garrison, just as news came through of a Short-eared Owl flying across Porthcressa Bay. I couldn't get "on it". It was still pretty grim but it was more of a fine drizzle now. As I made my way down King Edwards Road I could see a lady Birder looking through her scope at the start of the Peninnis Trail permissive path. I asked her what see was looking at..."Little Bunting on the path", she casually informed me. Sure enough...

I thanked her and inquired about the Lapland Bunting that had been reported in the same area. "Oh yes" she said "it's just further along the path"!!! Only on Scilly...

She also told me the SEO flew over her head! They were the only two Birds on view. It almost felt like cheating...but I'll take it!

Trip Total - 69 Species

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