
Thursday 19 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 7

 A Southerly wind blew in today, moderate to start with, then decreasing to give a day more akin to July than October! I dressed totally inappropriately, starting off in shorts and ending up in full waterproofs. What to wear?

News of a stonking male Black Redstart on Little Porth (West end of Porthcressa) had me heading there after Breakfast. This little corner has caught some good Birds over the Years and had the RCS earlier. As I walked the path above the Beach I caught sight of it briefly; before I could get "on it" with the Camera it flew off over the houses never to be seen again, despite an hour search. Disappointing. I did have a brief view of a "female type" on the very same path.

News on the WhatsApp: 12.44 Tresco Abbey Gardens, unknown Warbler, bright yellow body with blue head

Things were quiet on Mary's, why not? I headed for the Quay at 1.45 and joined FOUR other hopefuls for a trip to Tresco. I like this scenario, a chance to gamble with small numbers on a (very) long shot. Just imagine if it paid off though?

We landed mercifully at Carn Near which is closer to the Gardens..

The Helicopter was just leaving...

Unfortunately or fortunately (which ever way you look at it) the sun was now out and it was beautiful. I was kitted out for the predicted showers...that never came. I was "mafting" by the time I reached the Gardens...

Two chaps were already at the booth and I could see them getting ready to pay? I was puzzled as a second message earlier had said that the staff were letting Birders in to search for the Bird, as it was seen just inside the entrance? It seemed things had changes! They went in...I didn't...and saved £17!!! I realize I was piggy-backing here but those were the circumstances, if they found "it"...I was...handy. They didn't.

I spent the rest of my time on the Island Birding around the Abbey...

A new path had been cut with some excellent habitat but I couldn't find anything...although I did hear Water Rail...

I then started to head back to New Grimsby to catch the boat back at 4.30. The path passes through some lush habitat with Rhododendrons...home of the resident if plastic Golden Pheasants. Always worth a look mind. I got sorta lucky, finding two female/immatures? along one of the rides in deep shade...

I also saw a Red Squirrel...

Just caught him

I continued along the path hoping to see a male GP but it wasn't to be. I did add Coot, Teal, Gadwall and Redshank for the Trip on the Great Lake...

It was a wonderful boat ride back in idyllic conditions. Plenty of activity on the water...

Crossovers from Bryher and Tresco

A Surf Scoter was flying around various Bays late afternoon, hopefully I'll catch up with it in the morning? Some VERY promising winds coming in this won't be expecting too much but I WILL have enhanced hopes! 

Middle Friday tomorrow and all change. Louise will be settling into her favourite Scilly abode and I'll be out there searching, again...

Trip Total - 74 Species

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