
Tuesday 17 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 5

Yesterday a RED-EYED VIREO was reported on Bryher. Always tempted by that Species and always a MEGA in my book. An annual arrival being one of the stronger fliers BUT always appreciated by this Birder. It was the amazing record at Spurn in September 1990 that alerted me to the possibilities Stateside along with the RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH in Norfolk. I've seen a couple on Scilly previously BUT again it's always a Species I'm keen to see once more.

Therefore I was down at the Quay for 10, fully kitted out for the inclement weather...but...I didn't go. It didn't feel right. It turned out to be a good decision as the Bird wasn't seen all day. I returned to the flat and persuaded Louise to join me for a walk to Carreg-Dhu the annual home of Firecrest. The main reason for choosing this Site was... shelter from the strong wind, which was forecast to remain all day. Once on situ I decided to try the "let it/them come to me" approach. It/they didn't by 1pm so we headed for Longstones cafe for lunch.

We returned to Carreg-Dhu but the forecast improvement in the precipitation didn't materialize ,so Louise headed back and I sat under the magnificent palm...hoping...

It wasn't to, although I did see this chap in amongst the apples! I also added Siskin

Proving if you sit somewhere long enough!

Thankfully by 2.30 the rain had stopped. I checked the news and decided to have a crack at the Curlew Sandpiper on Porth Hellick beach, even though I realized it would be on an exposed part of the Island in the teeth of the gale force Easterly...


A group of 4 House Martins feeding in the lee of the wind along a conifer edge had provided entertainment "en route". I could see a couple of Birders at the far end, so I made my way along the path and dropped down to join them. Sure enough they weer looking at the target Bird. After a few minutes I located it feeding vigorously in the company of a Dunlin...a nice comparison...

Although the rain had ceased it was still very well as breezy! Fortunately the CS decided to walk towards its admirers...

Greenshank was also added. Not a great day Weather or Species "wise" BUT a nice end to it with time spent with a quality Bird in a spectacular setting...

Trip Total - 66 Species

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