
Monday 16 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 4

I like a Twitch as you've probably noticed! However, I like a holiday on Scilly even more!

Fantastic scenery, great memories, plenty of exercise (every Bird walked for) and renewing old acquaintances. Oh and significant Rarity potential...of course.

This morning found me on Porthcressa again; not before I'd had a nice chat with Scott Reid who was on his way to work. After sharing a few tales of recent events both here and elsewhere I moved onto the front and started to scan. A Black Redstart had been reported (maybe the one I found yesterday) but I couldn't find it.

After joining the Boss we had another walk over to Porthloo to enjoy close views of 3 Red-breasted Mergansers...

After a hot chocolate at Juliet's Garden...

I couldn't pick out the RFB

...we returned past Porthloo. Louise headed for Hugh Town and I headed to Normandy at the far side of the Island. A Little Bunting was present although "elusive". On arrival I joined the small group and started to search for the Bird. After a couple of conversations and a 30 minute effort I abandoned the attempt and headed back for lunch. Not my kinda fun that.

This afternoon's effort consisted of a walk up onto the Garrison to look for the Spotted Flycatcher along the aptly named "Dead Pine Walk"...

It took me over an hour but I eventually found it, albeit briefly...

I bumped into Simon another Scilly regular and had I nice Birdy chat with him and agreed about his love of Scilly. It was great to see him again. As already stated this is another excellent aspect of the visits...besides he reads my Blog!

On my way down from the Garrison I stopped to admire the stunning view...

A man approached to also take a photograph. He told me it was his first visit to the Islands, how impressed he was and that he intended to return. I agreed. Time for a nice meal in the Atlantic. our favourite hostelry.

Trip Total - 62 Species

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