
Sunday 15 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 3

Our place is on Church St, they both are come to that. It's a very handy location allowing easy access to the beaches either side of Hugh Town. This morning I took a stroll along Porthcressa. During the inevitable "quiet" periods I focus on Trip Ticks and the odd pic' were appropriate. As with all locations context is key, adding some spice to generally "common" Species.

A Reed Bunting had been reported around the children's playground, I didn't see it but added Wren...

Dunnock , Song Thrush...

...and Greenfinch...

In the Bay I added Black RedstartKittiwakeMediterranean Gull (10)...

and Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Some news...a Ruff had been seen at Porthloo (now Porthlow?) which would be a Scilly Tick. It was worth a try and we set off along the Coastal path. It took some finding but I eventually added it to my list (245).

On the way back I had a brief look for the reported Red-breasted Flycatcher but the random scattering of hopefuls suggested it wasn't around so we headed back for lunch.

Around 2 I returned to Porthcressa with my scope, found a bench and started to scan the whole area. There were plenty of Gannets offshore but I couldn't locate any Shearwaters. I also hoped I might get another view (and maybe pic') of the Rose-coloured Starling. It was gone 3 now and my thoughts were turning to the Rugby when a message came over the radio..."Glossy Ibis flying over the Garrison" I started to scan and there it was heading straight towards me! It has apparently flown across from St Agnes. I grabbed my camera and managed a record shot...of sorts...

Have to admit I doubt I'd have picked it up without the Radio "shout"!

England scraped through in the Rugby but were humiliated in the Cricket. It's not easy being an England fan. Then there's the Football on Tuesday!

A nice relaxing day with much promise to come...

Trip Total -  54 Species

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