
Saturday 14 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 2

 I woke early at 6am...but couldn't get out of my chair for a while!

First significant news was the return of the PALLID HARRIER to Lower Moors. What to do...stick or twist? I decided to stick at the top of the hill hoping for a flight view. I gave it 45 minutes but there was no further I headed for Porthcressa Beach to try for the juvenile Rose-coloured Starling at Little Porth. A small admiring crowd was well spaced out, viewing the bird at around 40 yards...

Whilst viewing I heard a familiar Yorkshire was Pete Greaves...a Scilly Stalwart. After enjoying the Starling we made our way off th beach as news came through the PALLID HARRIER had been re-located at Shooters Pool.Pete told me it was a Scilly Tick for him and I replied I'd like a better look and maybe a pic, so we set off. It took us a while but we eventually entered Lower Moors just as news came over the radio that the "Bird had flown". Oh dear.

A few more shouts over the radio informing us the Bird was over Old Town so we headed for higher ground. It paid off...


The bird eventually headed out to sea. We headed for the Old Town store for a drink before I made my way back to Hugh Town to meet Louise for Lunch. I really enjoyed the couple of hours I spent with Pete, listening to his stories. This is his FORTY-NINTH consecutive Year on the Islands, a number he shares with Dick Filby!
Around 2 I decided to try for the Wryneck near the Airport. Another decent walk (I must be getting fitter?). As I was getting close news came through that the Bird had not been seen for quite some time but I carried on anyway. I was rewarded on arrival when it became obvious the small group present were "on it". The next hour or so was wonderful as we all enjoyed the mobile Wryneck feeding vigorously in the sunshine along the Cliff. Always good value this Species...

After making my way back to Old Town, I decided to cut through Lower Moors to try and add a Trip Tick or two...or maybe? As I reached the ISBG Hide I decided to look through the blind as it's a bit cosy in the Hide. I could hear voices describing the location of a Jack Snipe. It took around 10 minutes before I picked it up...bobbing away...

Other notable Birds seen today...Glossy Ibis (high over the Airport), Brent Goose (scarce here), Bar-tailed Godwit, Mediterranean Gull, Sandwich Tern, Wheatear, Greenshank. However, the best views belonged to the Wryneck...

click the pic

A terrific day!

Trip Total - 44 Species

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