
Sunday 17 September 2023

American Warblers

It's THAT time of Year!

A time for reflection as I take an enforced breather from my Twitching adventures due to circumstances already aired. Two Species I "need" have already turned up this Autumn; namely YELLOW WARBLER (7th Record) on Foula and TENNESSEE WARBLER (7th Record) on St Kilda. I'm recovering well from the "Cold Turkey" lol! I've missed 2 records of each now, so hopefully third time lucky...for both? 

Despite having a strong compulsion to "chase" these birds, I've tempered my desire by looking at the "big picture". It also made me think about reviewing my previous British connections. So, out of interest (hopefully) here they are...

1996: BLACK AND WHITE WARBLER, Tresco, IOS. 26th October.

1997: COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, St Mary's, IOS. 23rd October.

1997: BLACKPOLL WARBLER, Tresco, IOS. 24th October. 4 records altogether including one in Yorkshire.

2004: OVENBIRD, St Mary's, IOS. 28th October.

2011: NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH, St Mary's, IOS. 22nd October.

2013: CAPE MAY WARBLER, Unst, Shetland. 29th October.

2014: YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER, High Shincliffe, Co Durham. 9th February.

2017: AMERICAN REDSTART, Barra, Outer Hebrides. 13th September.

2022: BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER, Bryher, IOS. 14th October.


1989: GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, Kent...too far at the time with young family.

2014: NORTHERN PARULA, Tiree...mid-week Bird...working.

2015: WILSON'S WARBLER, Lewis...on Scilly.

There you go then. There have been other Species BUT I wasn't "in the hunt", as they were before my time or "untwitchable".

Looking to the future one thing IS for sure...they'll keep coming and I need some to go for...maybe later this Year...on Scilly preferably! I WON'T be leaving Scilly (October 13th - 27th) and will be hoping at least one...comes to last Year. I can hope, if not expect. I'm more than happy with my haul these days BUT I still want to add some birds depending on circumstances. I prefer the thrilling encounters. The "turn up knowing it's there" twitches are more of an obligation with little adrenaline produced. Uncertainty is the key. More difficult these days with technology BUT still possible.

I WILL still travel North to Scottish Islands (bleak and grim) and have done so on many occasions BUT I much prefer the South West, a much more fulfilling and enjoyable region with great memories for me. I DO love Papa Westray to be fair but the brutal weather, logistics and huge distances on Shetland I found...limit Birding time far too much. Much more pleasant IMHO to stroll around Scilly with the wonderful Inter-Island boats to take you there. Recent Years have certainly quietened the "Scilly has had its day" brigade! Twitch North...Holiday South West. Louise would definitely agree with that!!

Here's to the next one...Cheers!

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