
Monday 18 September 2023

BROWN BOOBY - Revisited

VERY early start this morning (5am), with good reason! It was time to try again for Better View Desired of the superb BROWN BOOBY which is settled in the Tees Estuary. A message from Haydn yesterday informing me he was going this morning clinched it. After taking "his Lordship" for a walk, I left around 5.30 in torrential rain which continued unabated until I reached Greggs at Howden for the traditional Bacon Roll and Latte.

I reached Haydn's house at 7.35 and he drove the rest of the way to South Gare, for which I was VERY grateful as it's 3 hours from my house in this enormous County! Thankfully the rain had stopped (as forecast) as he parked up and we gathered our gear, although it was still overcast with heavy cloud cover. We could see a lone Birder on a hill who informed us he "had" a Long-tailed Skua. We couldn't locate it but then asked about the BOOBY? He pointed to the South and we could then see a small group of Birders looking West into the Bay. We took the path to join them. As we approached the group Haydn picked up the BB in flight at fairly close range!

First gloomy view at 9.12

Over the next hour we enjoyed superb views of this MEGA Rarity perched, in flight and feeding. 

Absolutely superb!!!

After my bad luck with the fog on my last attempt (and the loooong day at Hunmanby Gap) it made the views this morning all the more sweeter!

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