
Saturday 16 September 2023

A Tale of two Patches

A pleasant couple of Hours at Duff yesterday afternoon, if a little toasty (26c).  As previously mentioned I'm trying to put a few more Autumn visits in since I retired. The habitat is rather dry at the moment...

The bridge area revealed a couple of Bullfinches and Blackcaps in 30 minutes. The warmer Autumns mean very little "leaf fall" yet which doesn't help observation. A small skein of Pink-footed Geese flew east calling through the heat haze...always a pleasure and the true sign of Autumn...

I then had a walk down to Garganey Hide...

...where I spent a relaxed hour. Highlights...

Marsh Harrier 3cc

Red Kite

Over the Derwent

Sparrowhawk fem


...can't complain! 


This morning I was down on the cliff edge at 6.30! I know, uncharacteristic!! Fortunately it was a lovely you can see...

It was immediately apparent that there was a movement of RT Divers South. I logged 45 in the first hour, then someone turned the tap off. Among them was a rather smart Black-throated. Plenty of Gannets and Scoter about and I managed to squeeze a juvenile Kittiwake out of the Black-headed Gulls.

It was approaching 8 and things had quietened down, then...

7.59: East Yorkshire UPLAND SANDPIPER Spurn. One flew South over the Warren and continued South towards the point

I wonder if it flew over my head?

It was definitely worth a trip down the road...just in case? As I drove down Easington Straight I remembered a message on the WhatsApp from yesterday referring to a Turtle Dove sighting on Peters Lane. A modern Rarity...unfortunately. As I was passing I thought I might as well take a peek. I approached the entrance to South Farm and noticed a large flock of "Heinz 57" Pigeons on a wire. I checked them out; nothing doing. I then passed the entrance and noticed a group of Collared Doves gathered around a telegraph pole. I stopped and scanned. A couple of birds were partially obscured, so I edged along the road, still in the car...

Stay safe

Great to catch up with one during the Year if possible and so close to home.

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