
Monday 11 September 2023

Auks offshore

I've never seen as many as this Year. Large groups at all distances, some very close. 

More Guillemots than Razorbills but all nice to see locally.

The BROWN BOOBY continues in the Tees Estuary and is being admired from both shores, as well as from boats going out for closer views. As you can imagine this is generating some strong comments on antisocial media! As you know I say well clear!!

The YELLOW WARBLER is, of course, having an extended stay on Foula. It's history for me due to current circumstances. The main issues are payment for Scilly and my wonderful German Shepherd.

The RED-FOOTED BOOBY is still around but is becoming more and more unpredictable, coupled with the fact there are less trips out to search for it.

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