
Monday 5 June 2023

Pat Haven

Had a stroll down to the Humber from Patrington Haven late morning. Still fresh here with an annoyingly persistent NE wind which is definitely not enhancing the Summer feel! Just over two weeks to the longest day.

I logged 37 species in two hours with more evidence of Breeding success. Species with young...

Mute Swan 6 
Greylag Goose 4
Mallard 6
Avocet 6 (no doubt more hidden from view)
Oystercatcher 2

A Cuckoo was heard and other highlights included...

Marsh Harrier 4
Merlin - on the Estuary

A couple of Corn Buntings have been noted on Snakey with another this morning at Keyingham as Bud did his duty...

I also saw 3 Little Egrets...while I was waiting! The Little Owl was seen again on Snakey...

Always a bonus to have at least one around the Village...  Wish it would warm up...

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