
Saturday 3 June 2023


After a lunchtime report of a sighting from Geoff Smith Hide (which did make me wonder if it would follow yesterday's routine...honest!)...a further report...

North Yorkshire:  Squacco Heron again at North Duffield Carrs from Garganey Hide

Enhanced by some pics on Twitter...I HAD to go back. After cleaning myself up as I was in the middle of a Gardening session, a walk for Budster then West through Hull to Howden and North to Duff. I arrived at 5.30 to a full car park. Haydn was already there as I got a message informing me he'd just connected. I made my way down the path to Garganey Hide. It felt weird passing Birders on my Patch, as I usually see only the odd one, if any at all!

Fortunately there was room in the Hide and a spot was available next to Haydn. The Bird was still showing, feeding along "the Bund" at around 50 meters. It stood motionless for a while but eventually started feeding, moving along the water's edge. It was obscured much of the time, but it did show well intermittently. It's a beautiful Species and it looked wonderful in the bright sunshine. I was so pleased I'd made the effort to see it again much closer in perfect light...on MY Patch! It was still hard to believe to be honest. A high quality addition.

We spent a good hour with the Bird before we'd had our fill. It flew high North at 7.15. A VERY good decision...

First view...

A few more...

There's always something in the way!

Maybe not!

A sighting that will live long in the memory...

Better View Desired...and Achieved!

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