
Saturday 10 June 2023


Breeding Season in full swing now, helped by the increase in last! After endless NE winds (over THREE weeks) we lost the North in it and it finally feels like Summer! Vegetation is high, so viewing is it should be. Leave the Birds in peace while they procreate! 

Not seen much to write home about lately but I've been enjoying seeing the copious amounts of fledglings dotted about both here and at Duff.

A few examples...

This female Shoveler is in residence on the edge of the scrape by Garganey Hide. As you can see she  and her NINE young are in full view of predators. This pic was taken on the 6th. Haydn went down today and all were present and correct. She's doing a grand job; I guess that bill helps...

Plenty of Goslings scattered around hiding in the long grass...


I had another stroll down Patrington Haven this morning. There were plenty of young Avocets in evidence (c15) on the new scrapes. A fine sight.

Reed Warblers were dotted along the fringes of the drain, I got lucky when a couple gave themselves away on the near bank...

A message...

13:14 Shetland BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER Foula at Ham

Memories of 1989...BAD ones. I was on holiday and missed the Cowpen Bird (8th - 10th July) YORKSHIRE!!! I've been trying to "get it back" ever since! I made some preliminary enquiries but it wasn't seen again (although it was photographed). Foula is yet another VERY difficult place to access BUT it is possible with planning. Maybe it will turn up again although there are no flights tomorrow. I couldn't get Bud in a Kennel either! There'll be another!?

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