
Thursday 1 June 2023

A Special Day

I have to confess to having a lie-in this morning, so when I finally surfaced around 9 (I know) this coincided with a significant message...

N.Yorks. Squacco Heron at Bank Island, Lower Derwent Valley

No need to check this one, definitely a First for the York Area! I showered and dressed and took Bud a good walk...then...I was OFF! The customary stop at Hedon for a Greggs bacon sarny and latte and I was fully charged as I headed West along the A63. I knew exactly where I was going (having lived in the York Area for 23 Years) which always helps, so as I passed Duff and turned right through the Village I knew I was now only 15 minutes away. A few positive updates helped keep things reasonably calm. As I reached the car park I was pleasantly surprised to see a space, which I duly filled. I could immediately see a group of Birders up on the Platform...which was encouraging. I grabbed my Bins and Scope and climbed the steps to join them. Good news, the Bird was still present albeit distant. At least it was "on the List". Phew!

I returned to the car and collected my scope. I then walked along the road to another vantage point (historical knowledge). The gate was closed and the sign informed me that there was no entry beyond this point...which...being a good boy, I adhered to. I walked back towards the car park. I then noticed a Birder down another narrow track, so I joined him. He had decent views of the Bird but it was still very distant (c200yds). Fortunately there was a footpath right along the fence which I was unaware of, so there was plenty of room to view...

The Bird was feeding well although it was being pestered by Black-headed Gulls and Lapwings on and off. It did a couple of short flights to try and shake them off...

Eventually it flew further East towards the open water and disappeared in the vegetation.  Fortunately it re-appeared in the original area and was joined by a Great White Egret...

Buff dot, far right centre

...not the average pair. 

A closer view

I messaged Elaine who lives in North Duffield and she joined me. We watched it work its way towards the near edge of the marsh.  As Elaine left it suddenly took off and flew high South at 12.10. I joked it may be heading to Duff!? It was worth a try. I grabbed some lunch at the local shop and headed for NDC.

On arrival the car park was empty. I collected my gear and headed for GS Hide. This was obviously a long shot, especially as the vegetation was now high with little open water and edging in view. Still, who dares and all that...

There were (unsurprisingly) very few Birds in view. A few Geese, Shelduck, Mallard, Tufted Duck on the scrape. Then, another Great White Egret! More scanning. I'd been there around 45 minutes now. I guess all Patch Birders hope that a "good bird" in the area might drop in on their Patch. It rarely happens BUT it IS possible and you will only see it if you are THERE...statement of the blindingly obvious I know!

More scanning. I then noticed a small buff blob way out in the centre of the Reserve. A stained Swan neck? I zoomed my Scope...and nearly fell off the bench...


Best I could manage...but who cares!!! I'm sure you can appreciate the magnitude of the moment. My gamble had paid spades. 

I'd relocated the Squacco Heron on my beloved NDC. 

The odds of it...firstly...being present and secondly...being in view...well...were looooong to say the least. Again, I messaged Elaine and I also put the news out. She joined me just before the Cavalry arrived. Eventually the Hide was full and I let those who wanted to take an initial insurance look through my Scope...I'm good like that. The Bird eventually took off and flew to the back off the Reserve...and disappeared. A couple more flights saw it move off towards Thorganby.

Later reports revealed it was still present and showing well from Garganey Hide this evening. This little beauty was my 164th Species for the Reserve. What a Day!

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