
Wednesday 17 May 2023

Wood Warbler

Not seen one for Years...well 5 and that was a migrant at Spurn. So, after a few hours at Duff where the two Hobbies were still performing well...

47 species seen

...I diverted on my way to my Mother's and tried a couple of spots in the West Peak District.

Firstly to..

I took the short nature trail where the bird had been reported on eBird...

I strolled a couple of laps and hung around for an hour. No joy. Granted it was early afternoon but I thought I had a good chance. I thought wrong!

Nice quiet spot though...

...and a lovely drive over the Pennines. The second site was Stalybridge C.P. It proved to be a Site too far as a combination of a heavy population area and limited access meant a failed attempt. Never mind. I'll try again...but not here!

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