
Tuesday 16 May 2023


...or Present In The Breeding Season.

I have to's quiet. I won't harp on about the lack of Birds these days...although it's true! I hate NEGATIVITY of any description but it's an inevitable fact that with an increasing World population and consequential reduction in natural Habitat, the future looks grim indeed. There are some positives...but sadly...not many!


A few positive local examples...

Marsh Harriers are being seen regularly...

Sand Martins back in force at Old Hive.

House Martins are back at Intack.

Corn Bunting...

Grey Partridge...

and Yellow Wagtails present on Snakey plus Yellowhammers...

and Linnets ALL in good numbers. 

A pair of Little Owls on territory.

There that's positive! Plenty to enjoy...still!

Over to Lancs again tomorrow...

Holmpton 93

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