
Friday 19 May 2023


A message yesterday, as I was on my way back from my Mother's...

East Yorkshire: 12 Bee-eaters flew towards Bell Mills area, Driffield late afternoon

Like any self-respecting Patch Birder, I had the usual brief dream that they might turn up in Holmpton. It was quickly dismissed. Last night was spent watching the truly incredible performance from Sheffield Wednesday (always had a soft spot for this great club). I have to admit I stupidly turned the lounge TV off on 97 minutes, only to find out they'd equalized in the 98th to make it 4-4 and take it to extra-time!!! I watched the rest unfold in bed and it was truly amazing. 33,000 plus there isn't too shabby.

This morning I did a few jobs and took Bud a walk along Snakey but it was fairly quiet. After lunch I decided to have an early afternoon stroll along the Cliff (which I rarely do) as the sun had come out and the wind had dropped. As I reached the end of Seaside Road I sat on the bench for a while with my mate on guard... 

Then...I heard something? It was distant noise BUT it sounded...interesting. Then it stopped? Surely not! I decided to walk down the hedge to School Lane to check the area out. Unfortunately as I was half way down a couple form the Village appeared with their two Dogs. Bud isn't very sociable. I ahd another scan and listened but nothing unusual so I turned around and headed for the first Pill. More Doggies around so I turned back towards Seaside. A familiar occurrence.

As I reached the Bench again I could see a Blackbird singing in the distance and thought this was maybe the noise I'd heard briefly. Yesterday's sighting was still nagging though...always optimistic. I then heard more noises...this time I was sure...and extremely excited. I even ran down to the entrance to the Paddock and turned in by the open gate. I scanned down the field to the Sycamores by the far gate. I could see some shapes sat in the top of the small trees...


A moment that will live long in the memory...especially when I'm seeing nothing for days/weeks! The dilemma now was...if I walked closer I'd flush them but if I went back and walked around the hedge they could have gone by then? They decided for me by taking off and flying West up School Lane. With the trees in full leaf now I wasn't going to get any decent views along the Lane so I decided to drive to the main road and head just South of the Village to see if they had landed. This time my tactic worked out...

They were a good 400 yds away but they were still here. As I took this pic they rose high in the air and headed South West. It was all over in 10 minutes...but it happened! I put the news out and they were seen shortly afterwards going through Spurn.

When I first moved out here in 2011 this was one of the Species I'd dreamed of finding here. Today my dream came true!

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