
Friday 5 May 2023

The Day got better...much better!

You're aware of the local grapevines by now...North and South. This morning it was South, as a report of an Osprey came through...heading North!?

As I reached the Cliff another report informing me it had U-turned...then, it landed on the Breach. The Dog walk was sorted and we headed for the "Second Pill". I gave it 3 hours but no joy...unfortunately. I'd had a good run...

Hooded Crow
Penduline Tit
Pallid Harrier

Time for lunch.

Around 1 I had to go to Patrington, so I continued down to the Haven. My first visit this Year. After parking I walked South down to towards the Pumping Station. The new habitat East of the Drain was looking well...

The landscaping work is excellent IMHO. I counted 24 Avocets (obviously more around). As I continued South a large, silent bird flew low along the drain...

A surprising but VERY welcome May Short-eared Owl. I watched it head down the drain and then  fortunately it landed on the bank...

I think I'd been rumbled. What a great bird! It continued South towards the Humber. I then heard a Cuckoo, always special. I followed the sound but couldn't find it...or hear it! Then, it struck up again...and again. It seemed to be coming from an isolated bush...

A couple more blasts but no sign. Then, it popped up on top briefly before flying off...

The next 30 minutes were spent trying to re-locate it despite no further calls. Eventually I found it...

One of my main aims in Spring is to get good views of this special bird. Today I achieved it...

Calling Cuckoo

As I was taking pics another Birder appeared. It was Mike Pilsworth (apologies for not recognising you initially). I hadn't seen him for years!

We discussed the new habitat and it turned out he'd been one of the advisors on the design. Job well done! We walked back to our cars and departed. He left first but parked someway up Outstray Lane. As I approached his car I caught sight of a large bird above me to my right. Surely not...

I love this pastime!!!

Only my 4th record for the Patch after a couple at Spurn and one at Holmpton. A good decision...

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