
Wednesday 10 May 2023

Good Morning

Arrived at Howden around 9 and stopped off for refreshments. A phone was Hayden. "Little Gull at Duff from Geoff Smith Hide"!

Cue hasty exit from Greggs. On arrival I grabbed my bins and camera and headed for the Hide. It had moved across the far side BUT it was still present! Only my 3rd record here. After thanking him for the shout we settled down for a good session. He told me he'd had a Tawny Owl in the car park also but it had flown off.... somewhere out of sight. Not a bad start!

After around an hour a couple of Hobbies appeared. Quite a morning! They gave a fantastic prolonged display over the scrape and river before eventually being joined by the Little Gull. Magic!! They were still present when I departed at 2...

Things got even better when a couple of Common Terns appeared along the River.

So, even though viewing the water is getting difficult due to the emergent vegetation the reserve is still "catching" viewable Birds. There were also decent numbers of Warblers present including 2 Lesser Whitethroat.

Swifts came and went and the "summering" Whooper Swan remains.

Year 93

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