
Thursday 4 May 2023

This and That

Health check for the "Old Girl" this morning...that's the Car! It was no hardship pulling myself away from the coast and a stiff Easterly! A nervous hour resulted in a clean bill of health and a new MOT Certificate. As I was in Hull...yep...onward to Duff. Still glowing from the positive result, I was soon brought down to Earth when a passing Lorry leaving a building site, deposited a stone on my Windscreen, cracking it. Triumph and Disaster and all that. That's life!

Time to clear the head. The perfect tonic was the sight of c10 Swifts (87) hawking insects over the scrape in front of the Geoff Smith Hide. Wonderful! Nothing else of note in 30 minutes so I had a walk down to Garganey Garganey again but a singing Garden Warbler (88) was a BIG surprise.

A pleasant couple of hours was spent. Highlights being...

Little Egret 3
Dunlin 6
Curlew 12 - some displaying.
Common Tern 2
House Martin c30
Sand Martin c20
Sedge Warbler
Willow Warbler 4
Chiffchaff 4

Returning home meant a good walk for the lad. As I reached the Cliff Paddock I checked for...anything! What greeted me was another first. I'd never seen a Whimbrel here before...

Another one for the "I wouldn't be out if I didn't have to take Bud" List!

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