
Thursday 11 May 2023

Snakey on Fire!

We can all get a bit blase about our local area...can't we? When you've not seen anything...significant for quite a while...there's sometimes an element of ...same old, same old. However, Birding always gives hope of a surprise or two.  This morning was a case in point.

I had to pop to Ottringham to the Post Office. I set off along Snakey and it was obvious from the offset it was ..."Birdy" There's definitely more Linnets around this Year and a good sprinkling of Yellowhammers.

As I was around half-way along a Male Marsh Harrier crossed the road in front of me...

...and disappeared North...

As I was pulling over I noticed a pair of Grey Partridges in a recently sown field...

Definitely a BIG surprise to 'see' them at this time of Year. They seemed totally relaxed as they fed. Using the car as a hide I waited hoping they would come closer. They eventually did...


After having my fill I continued West. As I reached the Corn Bunting area...yep...

I finished the Lane with a Stock Dove on the road. Not a bad haul on a 3 mile stretch of road. "Count yer blessing" and all that!

On my return I couldn't see the Grey Partridges...but 3 Yellow Wagtails together at the Eastern end, more than made up for it!

After lunch I decided to have a ride down to Patrington Haven. Again I drove along Snakey and blow me down one of the GP was on the road! It was dangerously oblivious to my car, probably more concerned with its partner! I pulled over and managed to get a closer shot as it called...

I can safely say this is my best ever pic of this Species. Definitely a refresher on how fortunate I am to see these Birds so close to home.

After lunch I had a couple of hours down Patrington Haven. Nothing new but great to watch the Avocets (C30) coming and going between the islands and at least 4 Marsh Harriers patrolling. Speaking of MH I saw the male again on the way back from Tesco!

Back to NDC in the morning...

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